UMSL Digital Instructor – Janeice Giesler

Founder + CEO, Martech Connect

JaNeice Giesler has honed her expertise over nearly two decades, navigating the complex digital marketing and data integration landscape. Her career began with a passion for leveraging technology to solve business challenges and enhance customer experiences. She excels in seamlessly integrating digital platforms and data analytics to deliver impactful marketing solutions.

Recognizing the importance of aligning marketing strategies with actionable data and technical platforms, Giesler champions a holistic, customer-centric approach. Her focus on Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) strategies and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools has been instrumental in driving successful campaigns and initiatives, both on the agency and client sides of marketing. By harnessing CRM tools, she creates personalized experiences, nurtures customer relationships, and maximizes customer lifetime value.

In 2022, Giesler launched her own business, Martech Connect, to empower businesses of all sizes to better navigate the ever-growing marketing technology (martech) landscape and learn how to thrive in the digital era. Her company provides tailored solutions for small, medium, and enterprise-level clients, focusing on optimizing marketing efforts, enhancing customer experiences, and driving revenue growth through effective CRM strategies and martech tools.

Giesler is an active member of local advisory boards, including University of Missouri-St. Louis School of Business and previously held a VP position on the Board of the American Advertising Federation (AAF) of St. Louis, better known and AdClub STL. She has acted as a media spokesperson for serval area non-profit organizations and enjoys speaking at conferences, including the Midwest Digital Marketing Conference.

Giesler holds a BA from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, graduating with honors.


Instructor Janeice Giesler